[rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
2018-11-08 09:39:45 UTC

This seems to work for me, but I'd be grateful if somebody would confirm this is actually correct.
Dump all nrpe messages into a file, and once done discard.

* Legacy format
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" /app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" &

* New format
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
action(type="omfile" file="/app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all" flushOnTXEnd="off")

Best wishes,

This message and any attachments (the "message") is
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If you receive this message in error,or are not the intended recipient(s),
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Do not print this message unless it is necessary, consider the environment.


Ce message et toutes les pieces jointes (ci-apres le "message")
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N'imprimez ce message que si necessaire, pensez a l'environnement.

rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
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David Lang
2018-11-08 21:29:52 UTC
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This seems to work for me, but I'd be grateful if somebody would confirm this is actually correct.
Dump all nrpe messages into a file, and once done discard.
* Legacy format
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" /app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" &
* New format
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
action(type="omfile" file="/app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all" flushOnTXEnd="off")
This works, but I'll point out that the following also works

if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {

you don't have to switch everything to use action(), the general recommendation
is taht if it's a single line in the legacy format, and it's at least as clear
as the new format, go ahead and use the legacy format.

It's when you have things that are multiple lines of config in the old format
(setting lots of $foo lines and then having the line that they affect) that the
old format becomes confusing and you should switch to the new format. There are
also new features available in the action() syntax, but if the old format does
what you want, you aren't using the new feature :-)

David Lang
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad of sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE and DO NOT POST if you DON'T LIKE THAT.
sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
2018-11-09 08:30:48 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2018 10:30 PM
To: sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This seems to work for me, but I'd be grateful if somebody would confirm this
is actually correct.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Dump all nrpe messages into a file, and once done discard.
* Legacy format
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" /app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" &
* New format
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
action(type="omfile" file="/app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all"
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This works, but I'll point out that the following also works
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
you don't have to switch everything to use action(), the general recommendation
is taht if it's a single line in the legacy format, and it's at least as clear
as the new format, go ahead and use the legacy format.
It's when you have things that are multiple lines of config in the old format
(setting lots of $foo lines and then having the line that they affect) that the
old format becomes confusing and you should switch to the new format. There are
also new features available in the action() syntax, but if the old format does
what you want, you aren't using the new feature :-)
David Lang
Hi David,
I presumed incorrectly that the legacy format was deprecated and would be obsolete later. If this is not the case, I'm happy to mix these syntaces together.
This message and any attachments (the "message") is
intended solely for the intended addressees and is confidential.
If you receive this message in error,or are not the intended recipient(s),
please delete it and any copies from your systems and immediately notify
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dissemination or disclosure, either whole or partial, is prohibited. Since the internet
cannot guarantee the integrity of this message which may not be reliable, BNP PARIBAS
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Do not print this message unless it is necessary, consider the environment.


Ce message et toutes les pieces jointes (ci-apres le "message")
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Si vous recevez ce message par erreur ou s'il ne vous est pas destine,
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immediatement l'expediteur. Toute lecture non autorisee, toute utilisation de
ce message qui n'est pas conforme a sa destination, toute diffusion ou toute
publication, totale ou partielle, est interdite. L'Internet ne permettant pas d'assurer
l'integrite de ce message electronique susceptible d'alteration, BNP Paribas
(et ses filiales) decline(nt) toute responsabilite au titre de ce message dans l'hypothese
ou il aurait ete modifie, deforme ou falsifie.
N'imprimez ce message que si necessaire, pensez a l'environnement.

rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad of sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE and DO NOT POST if you DON'T LIKE THAT.
Rainer Gerhards
2018-11-09 08:45:02 UTC

El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 9:30, sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2018 10:30 PM
To: sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This seems to work for me, but I'd be grateful if somebody would confirm this
is actually correct.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Dump all nrpe messages into a file, and once done discard.
* Legacy format
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" /app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" &
* New format
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
action(type="omfile" file="/app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all"
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This works, but I'll point out that the following also works
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
you don't have to switch everything to use action(), the general recommendation
is taht if it's a single line in the legacy format, and it's at least as clear
as the new format, go ahead and use the legacy format.
It's when you have things that are multiple lines of config in the old format
(setting lots of $foo lines and then having the line that they affect) that the
old format becomes confusing and you should switch to the new format. There are
also new features available in the action() syntax, but if the old format does
what you want, you aren't using the new feature :-)
David Lang
Hi David,
I presumed incorrectly that the legacy format was deprecated and would be obsolete later. If this is not the case, I'm happy to mix these syntaces together.
This message and any attachments (the "message") is
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If you receive this message in error,or are not the intended recipient(s),
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Do not print this message unless it is necessary, consider the environment.
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l'integrite de ce message electronique susceptible d'alteration, BNP Paribas
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ou il aurait ete modifie, deforme ou falsifie.
N'imprimez ce message que si necessaire, pensez a l'environnement.
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad of sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE and DO NOT POST if you DON'T LIKE THAT.
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad of sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCR
sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
2018-11-09 09:07:30 UTC
Thanks Rainer for the details.

Thus these statements should be replaced with something from the 'basic' or 'advanced' format

$umask 0000
$CreateDirs on
$fileOwner rsyslog
$fileGroup uxadmin
$dirGroup uxadmin
$FileCreateMode 0660
$DynaFileCacheSize 600
$PrivDropToUser rsyslog
$PrivDropToGroup rsyslog

Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 9:45 AM
To: rsyslog-users
Cc: David Lang; LOEWENTHAL Sophie
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 9:30, sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2018 10:30 PM
To: sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This seems to work for me, but I'd be grateful if somebody would confirm
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
is actually correct.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Dump all nrpe messages into a file, and once done discard.
* Legacy format
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" /app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" &
* New format
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
action(type="omfile" file="/app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all"
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This works, but I'll point out that the following also works
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
you don't have to switch everything to use action(), the general recommendation
is taht if it's a single line in the legacy format, and it's at least as clear
as the new format, go ahead and use the legacy format.
It's when you have things that are multiple lines of config in the old format
(setting lots of $foo lines and then having the line that they affect) that the
old format becomes confusing and you should switch to the new format.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
also new features available in the action() syntax, but if the old format does
what you want, you aren't using the new feature :-)
David Lang
Hi David,
I presumed incorrectly that the legacy format was deprecated and would be
obsolete later. If this is not the case, I'm happy to mix these syntaces together.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This message and any attachments (the "message") is
intended solely for the intended addressees and is confidential.
If you receive this message in error,or are not the intended recipient(s),
please delete it and any copies from your systems and immediately notify
the sender. Any unauthorized view, use that does not comply with its purpose,
dissemination or disclosure, either whole or partial, is prohibited. Since the
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
cannot guarantee the integrity of this message which may not be reliable, BNP
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
(and its subsidiaries) shall not be liable for the message if modified, changed or
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Do not print this message unless it is necessary, consider the environment.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Ce message et toutes les pieces jointes (ci-apres le "message")
sont etablis a l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires et sont confidentiels.
Si vous recevez ce message par erreur ou s'il ne vous est pas destine,
merci de le detruire ainsi que toute copie de votre systeme et d'en avertir
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ce message qui n'est pas conforme a sa destination, toute diffusion ou toute
publication, totale ou partielle, est interdite. L'Internet ne permettant pas
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
l'integrite de ce message electronique susceptible d'alteration, BNP Paribas
(et ses filiales) decline(nt) toute responsabilite au titre de ce message dans
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
ou il aurait ete modifie, deforme ou falsifie.
N'imprimez ce message que si necessaire, pensez a l'environnement.
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad of
sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE and DO NOT POST if you DON'T
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad of sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE
Rainer Gerhards
2018-11-09 09:17:23 UTC
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 10:07,
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Thanks Rainer for the details.
Thus these statements should be replaced with something from the 'basic' or 'advanced' format
$umask 0000
$CreateDirs on
$fileOwner rsyslog
$fileGroup uxadmin
$dirGroup uxadmin
$FileCreateMode 0660
$DynaFileCacheSize 600
$PrivDropToUser rsyslog
$PrivDropToGroup rsyslog
I think so. Sadly for some there may still be no new-style equivalent.
We have focused on those that are critical, e.g. easy to mistake (like
DynaFileCache, which means folks think to be a global statement). Some
of the real global ones may not be converted yet as we never stumbled
over them. If you find some, it would be great to open a github issue.

Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 9:45 AM
To: rsyslog-users
Cc: David Lang; LOEWENTHAL Sophie
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 9:30, sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2018 10:30 PM
To: sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This seems to work for me, but I'd be grateful if somebody would confirm
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
is actually correct.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Dump all nrpe messages into a file, and once done discard.
* Legacy format
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" /app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" &
* New format
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
action(type="omfile" file="/app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all"
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This works, but I'll point out that the following also works
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
you don't have to switch everything to use action(), the general recommendation
is taht if it's a single line in the legacy format, and it's at least as clear
as the new format, go ahead and use the legacy format.
It's when you have things that are multiple lines of config in the old format
(setting lots of $foo lines and then having the line that they affect) that the
old format becomes confusing and you should switch to the new format.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
also new features available in the action() syntax, but if the old format does
what you want, you aren't using the new feature :-)
David Lang
Hi David,
I presumed incorrectly that the legacy format was deprecated and would be
obsolete later. If this is not the case, I'm happy to mix these syntaces together.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This message and any attachments (the "message") is
intended solely for the intended addressees and is confidential.
If you receive this message in error,or are not the intended recipient(s),
please delete it and any copies from your systems and immediately notify
the sender. Any unauthorized view, use that does not comply with its purpose,
dissemination or disclosure, either whole or partial, is prohibited. Since the
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
cannot guarantee the integrity of this message which may not be reliable, BNP
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
(and its subsidiaries) shall not be liable for the message if modified, changed or
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Do not print this message unless it is necessary, consider the environment.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Ce message et toutes les pieces jointes (ci-apres le "message")
sont etablis a l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires et sont confidentiels.
Si vous recevez ce message par erreur ou s'il ne vous est pas destine,
merci de le detruire ainsi que toute copie de votre systeme et d'en avertir
immediatement l'expediteur. Toute lecture non autorisee, toute utilisation de
ce message qui n'est pas conforme a sa destination, toute diffusion ou toute
publication, totale ou partielle, est interdite. L'Internet ne permettant pas
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
l'integrite de ce message electronique susceptible d'alteration, BNP Paribas
(et ses filiales) decline(nt) toute responsabilite au titre de ce message dans
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
ou il aurait ete modifie, deforme ou falsifie.
N'imprimez ce message que si necessaire, pensez a l'environnement.
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad of
sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE and DO NOT POST if you DON'T
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad of sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE and DO NOT POS
sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
2018-11-09 09:31:06 UTC
Is there a page that maps legacy statements to the new version?

Why do I ask?
* My search on rsyslog.com for PrivDropToUser give me this link:
and clicking on the Dropping privileges in rsyslog link gave an Invalid file specified :(

* The first page of google for Dynafilecachesize gives me this:
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 10:17 AM
Cc: rsyslog-users; David Lang
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 10:07,
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Thanks Rainer for the details.
Thus these statements should be replaced with something from the 'basic' or
'advanced' format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
$umask 0000
$CreateDirs on
$fileOwner rsyslog
$fileGroup uxadmin
$dirGroup uxadmin
$FileCreateMode 0660
$DynaFileCacheSize 600
$PrivDropToUser rsyslog
$PrivDropToGroup rsyslog
I think so. Sadly for some there may still be no new-style equivalent.
We have focused on those that are critical, e.g. easy to mistake (like
DynaFileCache, which means folks think to be a global statement). Some
of the real global ones may not be converted yet as we never stumbled
over them. If you find some, it would be great to open a github issue.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 9:45 AM
To: rsyslog-users
Cc: David Lang; LOEWENTHAL Sophie
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 9:30, sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2018 10:30 PM
To: sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This seems to work for me, but I'd be grateful if somebody would
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
is actually correct.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Dump all nrpe messages into a file, and once done discard.
* Legacy format
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" /app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" &
* New format
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
action(type="omfile" file="/app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all"
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This works, but I'll point out that the following also works
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
you don't have to switch everything to use action(), the general
is taht if it's a single line in the legacy format, and it's at least as clear
as the new format, go ahead and use the legacy format.
It's when you have things that are multiple lines of config in the old
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
(setting lots of $foo lines and then having the line that they affect) that
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
old format becomes confusing and you should switch to the new format.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
also new features available in the action() syntax, but if the old format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
what you want, you aren't using the new feature :-)
David Lang
Hi David,
I presumed incorrectly that the legacy format was deprecated and would
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
obsolete later. If this is not the case, I'm happy to mix these syntaces
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This message and any attachments (the "message") is
intended solely for the intended addressees and is confidential.
If you receive this message in error,or are not the intended recipient(s),
please delete it and any copies from your systems and immediately notify
the sender. Any unauthorized view, use that does not comply with its
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
dissemination or disclosure, either whole or partial, is prohibited. Since the
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
cannot guarantee the integrity of this message which may not be reliable,
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
(and its subsidiaries) shall not be liable for the message if modified,
changed or
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Do not print this message unless it is necessary, consider the environment.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Ce message et toutes les pieces jointes (ci-apres le "message")
sont etablis a l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires et sont confidentiels.
Si vous recevez ce message par erreur ou s'il ne vous est pas destine,
merci de le detruire ainsi que toute copie de votre systeme et d'en avertir
immediatement l'expediteur. Toute lecture non autorisee, toute utilisation
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
ce message qui n'est pas conforme a sa destination, toute diffusion ou
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
publication, totale ou partielle, est interdite. L'Internet ne permettant pas
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
l'integrite de ce message electronique susceptible d'alteration, BNP Paribas
(et ses filiales) decline(nt) toute responsabilite au titre de ce message dans
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
ou il aurait ete modifie, deforme ou falsifie.
N'imprimez ce message que si necessaire, pensez a l'environnement.
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE and DO NOT POST if you
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad of sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE and DO
Flo Rance via rsyslog
2018-11-09 09:37:52 UTC

If you search on v8-stable instead of v7-stable, everything is there.


On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 10:31 AM sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog <
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Is there a page that maps legacy statements to the new version?
Why do I ask?
and clicking on the Dropping privileges in rsyslog link gave an Invalid file specified :(
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 10:17 AM
Cc: rsyslog-users; David Lang
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 10:07,
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Thanks Rainer for the details.
Thus these statements should be replaced with something from the
'basic' or
'advanced' format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
$umask 0000
$CreateDirs on
$fileOwner rsyslog
$fileGroup uxadmin
$dirGroup uxadmin
$FileCreateMode 0660
$DynaFileCacheSize 600
$PrivDropToUser rsyslog
$PrivDropToGroup rsyslog
I think so. Sadly for some there may still be no new-style equivalent.
We have focused on those that are critical, e.g. easy to mistake (like
DynaFileCache, which means folks think to be a global statement). Some
of the real global ones may not be converted yet as we never stumbled
over them. If you find some, it would be great to open a github issue.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 9:45 AM
To: rsyslog-users
Cc: David Lang; LOEWENTHAL Sophie
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 9:30, sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2018 10:30 PM
To: sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This seems to work for me, but I'd be grateful if somebody
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
is actually correct.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Dump all nrpe messages into a file, and once done discard.
* Legacy format
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" /app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" &
* New format
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
action(type="omfile" file="/app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all"
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This works, but I'll point out that the following also works
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
you don't have to switch everything to use action(), the general
is taht if it's a single line in the legacy format, and it's at
least as clear
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
as the new format, go ahead and use the legacy format.
It's when you have things that are multiple lines of config in
the old
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
(setting lots of $foo lines and then having the line that they
affect) that
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
old format becomes confusing and you should switch to the new
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
also new features available in the action() syntax, but if the
old format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
what you want, you aren't using the new feature :-)
David Lang
Hi David,
I presumed incorrectly that the legacy format was deprecated and
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
obsolete later. If this is not the case, I'm happy to mix these
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This message and any attachments (the "message") is
intended solely for the intended addressees and is confidential.
If you receive this message in error,or are not the intended
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
please delete it and any copies from your systems and immediately
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
the sender. Any unauthorized view, use that does not comply with
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
dissemination or disclosure, either whole or partial, is
prohibited. Since the
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
cannot guarantee the integrity of this message which may not be
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
(and its subsidiaries) shall not be liable for the message if
changed or
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Do not print this message unless it is necessary, consider the
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Ce message et toutes les pieces jointes (ci-apres le "message")
sont etablis a l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires et sont
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Si vous recevez ce message par erreur ou s'il ne vous est pas
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
merci de le detruire ainsi que toute copie de votre systeme et
d'en avertir
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
immediatement l'expediteur. Toute lecture non autorisee, toute
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
ce message qui n'est pas conforme a sa destination, toute
diffusion ou
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
publication, totale ou partielle, est interdite. L'Internet ne
permettant pas
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
l'integrite de ce message electronique susceptible d'alteration,
BNP Paribas
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
(et ses filiales) decline(nt) toute responsabilite au titre de ce
message dans
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
ou il aurait ete modifie, deforme ou falsifie.
N'imprimez ce message que si necessaire, pensez a l'environnement.
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE and DO NOT POST if you
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
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of sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE and DO NOT POST if you
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad of sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBS
sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
2018-11-09 09:48:18 UTC
Hi Flo,


The v8 contains the $ prefixed variables. Does this mean there are no new-style equivalent global variables for the legacy variable?

But I do see that these can be set individually in omfile module, but it's easy for me and makes more sense for me to set them globally in my case,

From: Flo Rance [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 10:38 AM
To: rsyslog-users
Cc: Rainer Gerhards; LOEWENTHAL Sophie
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format


If you search on v8-stable instead of v7-stable, everything is there.


On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 10:31 AM sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog <***@lists.adiscon.com> wrote:
Is there a page that maps legacy statements to the new version?

Why do I ask?
* My search on rsyslog.com for PrivDropToUser give me this link:
and clicking on the Dropping privileges in rsyslog link gave an Invalid file specified :(

* The first page of google for Dynafilecachesize gives me this:
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 10:17 AM
Cc: rsyslog-users; David Lang
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 10:07,
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Thanks Rainer for the details.
Thus these statements should be replaced with something from the 'basic' or
'advanced' format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
  $umask 0000
  $CreateDirs on
  $fileOwner rsyslog
  $fileGroup uxadmin
  $dirGroup uxadmin
  $FileCreateMode 0660
  $DynaFileCacheSize 600
  $PrivDropToUser rsyslog
  $PrivDropToGroup rsyslog
I think so. Sadly for some there may still be no new-style equivalent.
We have focused on those that are critical, e.g. easy to mistake (like
DynaFileCache, which means folks think to be a global statement). Some
of the real global ones may not be converted yet as we never stumbled
over them. If you find some, it would be great to open a github issue.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 9:45 AM
To: rsyslog-users
Cc: David Lang; LOEWENTHAL Sophie
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 9:30, sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2018 10:30 PM
To: sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
This seems to work for me, but  I'd be grateful if somebody would
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
is actually correct.
Dump all nrpe messages into a file, and once done discard.
* Legacy format
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" /app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" &
* New format
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
    action(type="omfile" file="/app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all"
This works, but I'll point out that the following also works
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
you don't have to switch everything to use action(), the general
is taht if it's a single line in the legacy format, and it's at least as clear
as the new format, go ahead and use the legacy format.
It's when you have things that are multiple lines of config in the old
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
(setting lots of $foo lines and then having the line that they affect) that
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
old format becomes confusing and you should switch to the new format.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
also new features available in the action() syntax, but if the old format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
what you want, you aren't using the new feature :-)
David Lang
Hi David,
I presumed incorrectly that the legacy format was deprecated and would
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
obsolete later. If this is not the case, I'm happy to mix these syntaces
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This message and any attachments (the "message") is
intended solely for the intended addressees and is confidential.
If you receive this message in error,or are not the intended recipient(s),
please delete it and any copies from your systems and immediately notify
the sender. Any unauthorized view, use that does not comply with its
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
dissemination or disclosure, either whole or partial, is prohibited. Since the
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
cannot guarantee the integrity of this message which may not be reliable,
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
(and its subsidiaries) shall not be liable for the message if modified,
changed or
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Do not print this message unless it is necessary, consider the environment.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Ce message et toutes les pieces jointes (ci-apres le "message")
sont etablis a l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires et sont confidentiels.
Si vous recevez ce message par erreur ou s'il ne vous est pas destine,
merci de le detruire ainsi que toute copie de votre systeme et d'en avertir
immediatement l'expediteur. Toute lecture non autorisee, toute utilisation
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
ce message qui n'est pas conforme a sa destination, toute diffusion ou
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
publication, totale ou partielle, est interdite. L'Internet ne permettant pas
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
l'integrite de ce message electronique susceptible d'alteration, BNP Paribas
(et ses filiales) decline(nt) toute responsabilite au titre de ce message dans
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
ou il aurait ete modifie, deforme ou falsifie.
N'imprimez ce message que si necessaire, pensez a l'environnement.
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE and DO NOT POST if you
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad of sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE and DO NOT POST if you DON'T LIKE THAT.
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad of sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE and DO NOT POST if y
Flo Rance via rsyslog
2018-11-09 09:53:00 UTC
Hi Sophie,

This is how I understand it, however there might be something else and I
don't know it.

Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Hi Flo,
The v8 contains the $ prefixed variables. Does this mean there are no
new-style equivalent global variables for the legacy variable?
But I do see that these can be set individually in omfile module, but it's
easy for me and makes more sense for me to set them globally in my case,
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 10:38 AM
To: rsyslog-users
Cc: Rainer Gerhards; LOEWENTHAL Sophie
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
If you search on v8-stable instead of v7-stable, everything is there.
On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 10:31 AM sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog <
Is there a page that maps legacy statements to the new version?
Why do I ask?
and clicking on the Dropping privileges in rsyslog link gave an Invalid file specified :(
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 10:17 AM
Cc: rsyslog-users; David Lang
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 10:07,
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Thanks Rainer for the details.
Thus these statements should be replaced with something from the
'basic' or
'advanced' format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
$umask 0000
$CreateDirs on
$fileOwner rsyslog
$fileGroup uxadmin
$dirGroup uxadmin
$FileCreateMode 0660
$DynaFileCacheSize 600
$PrivDropToUser rsyslog
$PrivDropToGroup rsyslog
I think so. Sadly for some there may still be no new-style equivalent.
We have focused on those that are critical, e.g. easy to mistake (like
DynaFileCache, which means folks think to be a global statement). Some
of the real global ones may not be converted yet as we never stumbled
over them. If you find some, it would be great to open a github issue.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 9:45 AM
To: rsyslog-users
Cc: David Lang; LOEWENTHAL Sophie
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 9:30, sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2018 10:30 PM
To: sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This seems to work for me, but I'd be grateful if somebody
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
is actually correct.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Dump all nrpe messages into a file, and once done discard.
* Legacy format
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" /app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" &
* New format
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
action(type="omfile" file="/app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all"
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This works, but I'll point out that the following also works
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
you don't have to switch everything to use action(), the general
is taht if it's a single line in the legacy format, and it's at
least as clear
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
as the new format, go ahead and use the legacy format.
It's when you have things that are multiple lines of config in
the old
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
(setting lots of $foo lines and then having the line that they
affect) that
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
old format becomes confusing and you should switch to the new
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
also new features available in the action() syntax, but if the
old format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
what you want, you aren't using the new feature :-)
David Lang
Hi David,
I presumed incorrectly that the legacy format was deprecated and
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
obsolete later. If this is not the case, I'm happy to mix these
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This message and any attachments (the "message") is
intended solely for the intended addressees and is confidential.
If you receive this message in error,or are not the intended
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
please delete it and any copies from your systems and immediately
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
the sender. Any unauthorized view, use that does not comply with
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
dissemination or disclosure, either whole or partial, is
prohibited. Since the
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
cannot guarantee the integrity of this message which may not be
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
(and its subsidiaries) shall not be liable for the message if
changed or
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Do not print this message unless it is necessary, consider the
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Ce message et toutes les pieces jointes (ci-apres le "message")
sont etablis a l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires et sont
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Si vous recevez ce message par erreur ou s'il ne vous est pas
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
merci de le detruire ainsi que toute copie de votre systeme et
d'en avertir
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
immediatement l'expediteur. Toute lecture non autorisee, toute
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
ce message qui n'est pas conforme a sa destination, toute
diffusion ou
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
publication, totale ou partielle, est interdite. L'Internet ne
permettant pas
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
l'integrite de ce message electronique susceptible d'alteration,
BNP Paribas
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
(et ses filiales) decline(nt) toute responsabilite au titre de ce
message dans
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
ou il aurait ete modifie, deforme ou falsifie.
N'imprimez ce message que si necessaire, pensez a l'environnement.
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE and DO NOT POST if you
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad
of sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE and DO NOT POST if you
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad of sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBS
Rainer Gerhards
2018-11-09 10:26:56 UTC
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 10:49,
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Hi Flo,
The v8 contains the $ prefixed variables. Does this mean there are no new-style equivalent global variables for the legacy variable?
No - we need someone who updates the older parts of the doc. I do it
whenever I have time, but that's pretty seldom.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
But I do see that these can be set individually in omfile module, but it's easy for me and makes more sense for me to set them globally in my case,
Search for "dynafile" on that page. It shows you the old-style
*equivalent*. And it indeed is an equivalent, the old style also
affects the next action. And by this I notice that there seems to be a
long-standing bug in obsolete legacy doc where it mentions "global".
It's not, it's "action" scope. Ok, one of the times to do a doc PR
myself - or is someone up to it?

Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 10:38 AM
To: rsyslog-users
Cc: Rainer Gerhards; LOEWENTHAL Sophie
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
If you search on v8-stable instead of v7-stable, everything is there.
Is there a page that maps legacy statements to the new version?
Why do I ask?
and clicking on the Dropping privileges in rsyslog link gave an Invalid file specified :(
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 10:17 AM
Cc: rsyslog-users; David Lang
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 10:07,
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Thanks Rainer for the details.
Thus these statements should be replaced with something from the 'basic' or
'advanced' format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
$umask 0000
$CreateDirs on
$fileOwner rsyslog
$fileGroup uxadmin
$dirGroup uxadmin
$FileCreateMode 0660
$DynaFileCacheSize 600
$PrivDropToUser rsyslog
$PrivDropToGroup rsyslog
I think so. Sadly for some there may still be no new-style equivalent.
We have focused on those that are critical, e.g. easy to mistake (like
DynaFileCache, which means folks think to be a global statement). Some
of the real global ones may not be converted yet as we never stumbled
over them. If you find some, it would be great to open a github issue.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 9:45 AM
To: rsyslog-users
Cc: David Lang; LOEWENTHAL Sophie
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 9:30, sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2018 10:30 PM
To: sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This seems to work for me, but I'd be grateful if somebody would
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
is actually correct.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Dump all nrpe messages into a file, and once done discard.
* Legacy format
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" /app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" &
* New format
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
action(type="omfile" file="/app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all"
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This works, but I'll point out that the following also works
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
you don't have to switch everything to use action(), the general
is taht if it's a single line in the legacy format, and it's at least as clear
as the new format, go ahead and use the legacy format.
It's when you have things that are multiple lines of config in the old
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
(setting lots of $foo lines and then having the line that they affect) that
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
old format becomes confusing and you should switch to the new format.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
also new features available in the action() syntax, but if the old format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
what you want, you aren't using the new feature :-)
David Lang
Hi David,
I presumed incorrectly that the legacy format was deprecated and would
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
obsolete later. If this is not the case, I'm happy to mix these syntaces
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This message and any attachments (the "message") is
intended solely for the intended addressees and is confidential.
If you receive this message in error,or are not the intended recipient(s),
please delete it and any copies from your systems and immediately notify
the sender. Any unauthorized view, use that does not comply with its
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
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sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
2018-11-09 10:38:05 UTC
Thanks Rainer. This is clear.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 11:27 AM
Cc: Flo Rance; rsyslog-users
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 10:49,
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Hi Flo,
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
The v8 contains the $ prefixed variables. Does this mean there are no new-
style equivalent global variables for the legacy variable?
No - we need someone who updates the older parts of the doc. I do it
whenever I have time, but that's pretty seldom.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
But I do see that these can be set individually in omfile module, but it's easy for
me and makes more sense for me to set them globally in my case,
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Search for "dynafile" on that page. It shows you the old-style
*equivalent*. And it indeed is an equivalent, the old style also
affects the next action. And by this I notice that there seems to be a
long-standing bug in obsolete legacy doc where it mentions "global".
It's not, it's "action" scope. Ok, one of the times to do a doc PR
myself - or is someone up to it?
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 10:38 AM
To: rsyslog-users
Cc: Rainer Gerhards; LOEWENTHAL Sophie
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
If you search on v8-stable instead of v7-stable, everything is there.
On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 10:31 AM sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Is there a page that maps legacy statements to the new version?
Why do I ask?
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
and clicking on the Dropping privileges in rsyslog link gave an Invalid file
specified :(
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Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 10:17 AM
Cc: rsyslog-users; David Lang
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 10:07,
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Thanks Rainer for the details.
Thus these statements should be replaced with something from the 'basic'
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
'advanced' format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
$umask 0000
$CreateDirs on
$fileOwner rsyslog
$fileGroup uxadmin
$dirGroup uxadmin
$FileCreateMode 0660
$DynaFileCacheSize 600
$PrivDropToUser rsyslog
$PrivDropToGroup rsyslog
I think so. Sadly for some there may still be no new-style equivalent.
We have focused on those that are critical, e.g. easy to mistake (like
DynaFileCache, which means folks think to be a global statement). Some
of the real global ones may not be converted yet as we never stumbled
over them. If you find some, it would be great to open a github issue.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 9:45 AM
To: rsyslog-users
Cc: David Lang; LOEWENTHAL Sophie
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 9:30, sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2018 10:30 PM
To: sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This seems to work for me, but I'd be grateful if somebody would
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
is actually correct.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Dump all nrpe messages into a file, and once done discard.
* Legacy format
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" /app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" &
* New format
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
action(type="omfile" file="/app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all"
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This works, but I'll point out that the following also works
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
you don't have to switch everything to use action(), the general
is taht if it's a single line in the legacy format, and it's at least as clear
as the new format, go ahead and use the legacy format.
It's when you have things that are multiple lines of config in the old
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
(setting lots of $foo lines and then having the line that they affect)
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
old format becomes confusing and you should switch to the new
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
also new features available in the action() syntax, but if the old
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
what you want, you aren't using the new feature :-)
David Lang
Hi David,
I presumed incorrectly that the legacy format was deprecated and
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
obsolete later. If this is not the case, I'm happy to mix these syntaces
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Rainer Gerhards
2018-11-09 09:46:39 UTC
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 10:31,
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Is there a page that maps legacy statements to the new version?
Why do I ask?
Which is the exact link of that search page? It probably needs to be
fixed/turned off.

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sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
2018-11-09 10:03:22 UTC
From this QuickSearch box and search on " privdroptouser " on this page:

Goves this link to

To this link:
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 10:47 AM
Cc: rsyslog-users; David Lang
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 10:31,
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Is there a page that maps legacy statements to the new version?
Why do I ask?
Which is the exact link of that search page? It probably needs to be
fixed/turned off.
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Rainer Gerhards
2018-11-09 10:22:07 UTC
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 11:06,
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
What linked to this page? Or did you select v7 intensionally? v7 doc
is up as a service for users of this outdated version.

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David Lang
2018-11-09 18:56:29 UTC
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Thanks Rainer for the details.
Thus these statements should be replaced with something from the 'basic' or 'advanced' format
$umask 0000
$CreateDirs on
$fileOwner rsyslog
$fileGroup uxadmin
$dirGroup uxadmin
$FileCreateMode 0660
$DynaFileCacheSize 600
$PrivDropToUser rsyslog
$PrivDropToGroup rsyslog
Yes, the reason is that some of these things affect all outputs after that point
in the file, others only affect the next output, and none of them affect any
action() statement

so using these is likely to cause confusion.

David Lang
rsyslog mailing list
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sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
2018-11-12 08:43:38 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2018 7:56 PM
Cc: Rainer Gerhards; rsyslog-users
Subject: RE: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Thanks Rainer for the details.
Thus these statements should be replaced with something from the 'basic' or
'advanced' format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
$umask 0000
$CreateDirs on
$fileOwner rsyslog
$fileGroup uxadmin
$dirGroup uxadmin
$FileCreateMode 0660
$DynaFileCacheSize 600
$PrivDropToUser rsyslog
$PrivDropToGroup rsyslog
Yes, the reason is that some of these things affect all outputs after that point
in the file, others only affect the next output, and none of them affect any
action() statement
so using these is likely to cause confusion.
David Lang
so using these is likely to cause confusion.
Indeed it did in my earlier configs :)

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David Lang
2018-11-09 18:54:55 UTC
It it takes multiple lines to set something up (several $something lines
followed by the action), you are probably using the obsolete format and should
re-do it.

If what you are doing can be done in a single line, it's probably just fine to
keep using it.

Rsyslog started off using the same things that were in sysklog (what's worked in
syslog.conf forever), but as it gained new capabilities, that syntax needed to
be extended, and it got more and more complicated to understand.

With version 6 a new syntax was introduced that makes it much easier to
understand what is happening with more complex configs. Initially it was stated
that everything in the older syntax was legacy and going to go away 'someday',
but over time we have refined this position to discourage use of the parts that
caused the most problems while still supporting the simple things. This change
from two categories of syntax to three happened within the last year or so (I
think around 8.30 or so) so the older documentation will refer to all of the old
syntax as legacy and suggest moving everything to the new format.

It's unlikely that we will ever remove support for what we are declaring
obsolete (we _really_ believe in backwards compatibility), but we discourage
it's use.

David Lang
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2018 09:45:02 +0100
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
El vie., 9 nov. 2018 a las 9:30, sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2018 10:30 PM
To: sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This seems to work for me, but I'd be grateful if somebody would confirm this
is actually correct.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Dump all nrpe messages into a file, and once done discard.
* Legacy format
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" /app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" &
* New format
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
action(type="omfile" file="/app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all"
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This works, but I'll point out that the following also works
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
you don't have to switch everything to use action(), the general recommendation
is taht if it's a single line in the legacy format, and it's at least as clear
as the new format, go ahead and use the legacy format.
It's when you have things that are multiple lines of config in the old format
(setting lots of $foo lines and then having the line that they affect) that the
old format becomes confusing and you should switch to the new format. There are
also new features available in the action() syntax, but if the old format does
what you want, you aren't using the new feature :-)
David Lang
Hi David,
I presumed incorrectly that the legacy format was deprecated and would be obsolete later. If this is not the case, I'm happy to mix these syntaces together.
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John Chivian
2018-11-12 22:52:15 UTC
Using the configuration line...

*.debug /path/to/debug.msgs

...and the configuration block...

*.debug {

...are functionally identical. However, neither has a "name" specified
so you get a pstats statistics name of "action28" or something equally
as informative like "action31" or "action12".

   Adding the action name to the new style configuration...

*.debug {

... gives a pstats statistics name of "debugActionName" as distinguished
from a separately defined "infoActionName", and this is much more useful
and several orders of magnitude easier than somehow having to know that
"action28" is the former and "action29" is the latter when doing stream
monitoring using pstats.

   The pstats subsystem is your friend!  Think of it as the EEG and EKG
monitors of your running instance, and give all of your actions unique
names to differentiate them in this manner.

Post by David Lang
It it takes multiple lines to set something up (several $something
lines followed by the action), you are probably using the obsolete
format and should re-do it.
If what you are doing can be done in a single line, it's probably just
fine to keep using it.
Rsyslog started off using the same things that were in sysklog (what's
worked in syslog.conf forever), but as it gained new capabilities,
that syntax needed to be extended, and it got more and more
complicated to understand.
With version 6 a new syntax was introduced that makes it much easier
to understand what is happening with more complex configs. Initially
it was stated that everything in the older syntax was legacy and going
to go away 'someday', but over time we have refined this position to
discourage use of the parts that caused the most problems while still
supporting the simple things. This change from two categories of
syntax to three happened within the last year or so (I think around
8.30 or so) so the older documentation will refer to all of the old
syntax as legacy and suggest moving everything to the new format.
It's unlikely that we will ever remove support for what we are
declaring obsolete (we _really_ believe in backwards compatibility),
but we discourage it's use.
David Lang
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
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sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
2018-11-09 08:53:44 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2018 10:30 PM
To: sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Code verification : legacy to new format
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This seems to work for me, but I'd be grateful if somebody would confirm this
is actually correct.
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
Dump all nrpe messages into a file, and once done discard.
* Legacy format
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" /app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all
:programname, isequal, "nrpe" &
* New format
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
action(type="omfile" file="/app/rsyslog/messages.nrpe.all"
Post by sophie.loewenthal--- via rsyslog
This works, but I'll point out that the following also works
if ( $programname == "nrpe" ) then {
you don't have to switch everything to use action(), the general recommendation
is taht if it's a single line in the legacy format, and it's at least as clear
as the new format, go ahead and use the legacy format.
It's when you have things that are multiple lines of config in the old format
(setting lots of $foo lines and then having the line that they affect) that the
old format becomes confusing and you should switch to the new format. There are
also new features available in the action() syntax, but if the old format does
what you want, you aren't using the new feature :-)
David Lang
Sadly we use Microsoft outlook, which introduced so many hidden chars/escape codes etc into my code when I copied and pasted I had to delete and start again from scratch. Fun on a Friday morning.
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