Ferenc Zuellich
2018-11-16 20:21:55 UTC
Hi all,
I'm having trouble using a dynamic file option in combination with a custom
message template. In my scenario multiple applications talk to rsyslog via
a UDP port. I would like to separate the incoming log messages by
application name. To simplify configuration and have it extensible I'd like
to define the log name dynamically based on the app name.
I'm running rsyslog in version 8.3.3 on Debian 8 inside a VirtualBox.
My configuration looks as follows:
input(type="imudp" address="*" port="8514" ruleset="writeToFile")
template(name = "customMessageTemplate" type = "list") {
property(name="syslogpriority-text" caseConversion="upper")
constant(value=" ")
constant(value=" ")
constant(value=" ")
template(name = "DynaFileTemplate" string="/var/log/apps/%programname%.log"
ruleset(name="writeToFile") {
I could already confirm that:
- Removing the line *template="customMessageTemplate"* leads to the
creation of log files with a dynamic file name. In other words it works.
The only thing missing is my custom message format.
- Removing the line *DynaFile="DynaFileTemplate"* and adding a file
property leads to the creation of the log file. The messages inside are
formatted according to the custom format.
So in theory my configuration is correct, except that the combination of
DynaFile and Template doesn't seem to work. I have checked in
*/var/log/syslog* for error messages in between rsyslogd restarts, but I
could find none. I ran *rsyslogd -dn* and looked for errors. I can't say I
found any. But I noticed this output:
6336.150931206:main thread : name: (unset)
6336.150933518:main thread : type: 'omfile'
6336.150936227:main thread : action.writeallmarkmessages: (unset)
6336.150938269:main thread : action.execonlyeverynthtime: (unset)
6336.150940198:main thread : action.execonlyeverynthtimetimeout: (unset)
6336.150942119:main thread : action.execonlyonceeveryinterval: (unset)
6336.150944078:main thread : action.execonlywhenpreviousissuspended:
6336.150945997:main thread : action.repeatedmsgcontainsoriginalmsg:
6336.150947914:main thread : action.resumeretrycount: (unset)
6336.150949818:main thread : action.reportsuspension: (unset)
6336.150951763:main thread : action.reportsuspensioncontinuation: (unset)
6336.150953678:main thread : action.resumeinterval: (unset)
6336.150957462:main thread : newActInst (omfile)
6336.150959979:main thread : nvlstGetParam: name 'dirgroup', type 3,
valnode->bUsed 0
6336.151009164:main thread : param 'dirgroup': uid 1000 obtained for
group 'admin'
6336.151012079:main thread : nvlstGetParam: name 'filegroup', type 3,
valnode->bUsed 0
6336.151131952:main thread : param 'filegroup': uid 1000 obtained for
group 'admin'
6336.151135928:main thread : nvlstGetParam: name 'dircreatemode', type
5, valnode->bUsed 0
6336.151137769:main thread : nvlstGetParam: name 'dynafile', type 14,
valnode->bUsed 0
6336.151139400:main thread : nvlstGetParam: name 'template', type 13,
valnode->bUsed 0
6336.151141015:main thread : action param blk in omfile:
6336.151142066:main thread : dynafilecachesize: (unset)
6336.151144050:main thread : ziplevel: (unset)
6336.151145998:main thread : flushinterval: (unset)
6336.151147907:main thread : asyncwriting: (unset)
6336.151149823:main thread : veryrobustzip: (unset)
6336.151151744:main thread : flushontxend: (unset)
6336.151153611:main thread : iobuffersize: (unset)
6336.151155528:main thread : dirowner: (unset)
6336.151157425:main thread : dirownernum: (unset)
6336.151159310:main thread : dirgroup: 1000
6336.151161496:main thread : dirgroupnum: (unset)
6336.151163394:main thread : fileowner: (unset)
6336.151165262:main thread : fileownernum: (unset)
6336.151167133:main thread : filegroup: 1000
6336.151169166:main thread : filegroupnum: (unset)
6336.151171064:main thread : dircreatemode: 480
6336.151173151:main thread : filecreatemode: (unset)
6336.151175091:main thread : failonchownfailure: (unset)
6336.151176990:main thread : createdirs: (unset)
6336.151178907:main thread : sync: (unset)
6336.151180805:main thread : file: (unset)
6336.151182721:main thread : dynafile: 'DynaFileTemplate'
6336.151185071:main thread : sig.provider: (unset)
6336.151186960:main thread : cry.provider: (unset)
6336.151188861:main thread : closetimeout: (unset)
6336.151190739:main thread : template: 'customMessageTemplate'
6336.151202063:main thread : janitor: entry 0xfeec70, id
'omfile:dynafile:DynaFileTemplate:0xff0370' added
*6336.151204258:main thread : Module builtin:omfile processes this
action.6336.151217998:main thread : template: 'customMessageTemplate'
assigned6336.151219385:main thread : template: 'DynaFileTemplate'
Which looks like rsyslog configures the action and overwrites the template
setting. Which I wouldn't expect.
Does somebody have any idea? I scanned the changelogs, too, and where
unable to find anything regarding bugs when using DynaFile and template
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad of sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE and DO NOT POST if you DON'T LIKE THAT.
I'm having trouble using a dynamic file option in combination with a custom
message template. In my scenario multiple applications talk to rsyslog via
a UDP port. I would like to separate the incoming log messages by
application name. To simplify configuration and have it extensible I'd like
to define the log name dynamically based on the app name.
I'm running rsyslog in version 8.3.3 on Debian 8 inside a VirtualBox.
My configuration looks as follows:
input(type="imudp" address="*" port="8514" ruleset="writeToFile")
template(name = "customMessageTemplate" type = "list") {
property(name="syslogpriority-text" caseConversion="upper")
constant(value=" ")
constant(value=" ")
constant(value=" ")
template(name = "DynaFileTemplate" string="/var/log/apps/%programname%.log"
ruleset(name="writeToFile") {
I could already confirm that:
- Removing the line *template="customMessageTemplate"* leads to the
creation of log files with a dynamic file name. In other words it works.
The only thing missing is my custom message format.
- Removing the line *DynaFile="DynaFileTemplate"* and adding a file
property leads to the creation of the log file. The messages inside are
formatted according to the custom format.
So in theory my configuration is correct, except that the combination of
DynaFile and Template doesn't seem to work. I have checked in
*/var/log/syslog* for error messages in between rsyslogd restarts, but I
could find none. I ran *rsyslogd -dn* and looked for errors. I can't say I
found any. But I noticed this output:
6336.150931206:main thread : name: (unset)
6336.150933518:main thread : type: 'omfile'
6336.150936227:main thread : action.writeallmarkmessages: (unset)
6336.150938269:main thread : action.execonlyeverynthtime: (unset)
6336.150940198:main thread : action.execonlyeverynthtimetimeout: (unset)
6336.150942119:main thread : action.execonlyonceeveryinterval: (unset)
6336.150944078:main thread : action.execonlywhenpreviousissuspended:
6336.150945997:main thread : action.repeatedmsgcontainsoriginalmsg:
6336.150947914:main thread : action.resumeretrycount: (unset)
6336.150949818:main thread : action.reportsuspension: (unset)
6336.150951763:main thread : action.reportsuspensioncontinuation: (unset)
6336.150953678:main thread : action.resumeinterval: (unset)
6336.150957462:main thread : newActInst (omfile)
6336.150959979:main thread : nvlstGetParam: name 'dirgroup', type 3,
valnode->bUsed 0
6336.151009164:main thread : param 'dirgroup': uid 1000 obtained for
group 'admin'
6336.151012079:main thread : nvlstGetParam: name 'filegroup', type 3,
valnode->bUsed 0
6336.151131952:main thread : param 'filegroup': uid 1000 obtained for
group 'admin'
6336.151135928:main thread : nvlstGetParam: name 'dircreatemode', type
5, valnode->bUsed 0
6336.151137769:main thread : nvlstGetParam: name 'dynafile', type 14,
valnode->bUsed 0
6336.151139400:main thread : nvlstGetParam: name 'template', type 13,
valnode->bUsed 0
6336.151141015:main thread : action param blk in omfile:
6336.151142066:main thread : dynafilecachesize: (unset)
6336.151144050:main thread : ziplevel: (unset)
6336.151145998:main thread : flushinterval: (unset)
6336.151147907:main thread : asyncwriting: (unset)
6336.151149823:main thread : veryrobustzip: (unset)
6336.151151744:main thread : flushontxend: (unset)
6336.151153611:main thread : iobuffersize: (unset)
6336.151155528:main thread : dirowner: (unset)
6336.151157425:main thread : dirownernum: (unset)
6336.151159310:main thread : dirgroup: 1000
6336.151161496:main thread : dirgroupnum: (unset)
6336.151163394:main thread : fileowner: (unset)
6336.151165262:main thread : fileownernum: (unset)
6336.151167133:main thread : filegroup: 1000
6336.151169166:main thread : filegroupnum: (unset)
6336.151171064:main thread : dircreatemode: 480
6336.151173151:main thread : filecreatemode: (unset)
6336.151175091:main thread : failonchownfailure: (unset)
6336.151176990:main thread : createdirs: (unset)
6336.151178907:main thread : sync: (unset)
6336.151180805:main thread : file: (unset)
6336.151182721:main thread : dynafile: 'DynaFileTemplate'
6336.151185071:main thread : sig.provider: (unset)
6336.151186960:main thread : cry.provider: (unset)
6336.151188861:main thread : closetimeout: (unset)
6336.151190739:main thread : template: 'customMessageTemplate'
6336.151202063:main thread : janitor: entry 0xfeec70, id
'omfile:dynafile:DynaFileTemplate:0xff0370' added
*6336.151204258:main thread : Module builtin:omfile processes this
action.6336.151217998:main thread : template: 'customMessageTemplate'
assigned6336.151219385:main thread : template: 'DynaFileTemplate'
Which looks like rsyslog configures the action and overwrites the template
setting. Which I wouldn't expect.
Does somebody have any idea? I scanned the changelogs, too, and where
unable to find anything regarding bugs when using DynaFile and template
rsyslog mailing list
What's up with rsyslog? Follow https://twitter.com/rgerhards
NOTE WELL: This is a PUBLIC mailing list, posts are ARCHIVED by a myriad of sites beyond our control. PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE and DO NOT POST if you DON'T LIKE THAT.